Ursula Biemann (Hg.)
Been there and back to nowhere
gender in transnational spaces; postproduction documents 1988
Preis in €
The publication presents a cultural practice that focuses on gender in cross-border and migration movements and in the geographic context of post-urban zones such as the ones that have developed along the U.S.-Mexican border or on the periphery of Istanbul. From different perspectives, the projects look at how female bodies circulate in the transnational space, how gender relations are being regulated in the urban public sphere, in the subcontracting economy of international labor division and border economies, and in virtual and physical migration flows. At the same time, these projects pursue a continuing interest in gender and minority representations in the media and in the signifying systems of art and ethnography. Many of them have been realized in collaboration with migrant women in Europe or in global production sites. The publication sets out to link gender-specific social and economic analysis to the institutional critique of art and the cultural production and circulation of images.
Inhalt: https://d-nb.info/961221135/04
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