A Film by Aljoscha Weskott and Marietta Kesting
There are countless Sun Cities in the world. Perhaps the most famous and certainly the most bizarre of these is Sun City in South Africa, a huge resort with a disco, casino and swimming pools two hours north of Johannesburg by car. It was built in the 80s, when the Apartheid system was attempting to prevent any sort of encounter between black and white. Except in Sun City, that is. Under the banner of supposedly apolitical entertainment, a tourism laboratory to carry out radical political experiments was set up here, a zone simultaneously real and unreal. It is to the film′s credit that it is able to make this recognizable.
Format: HDcam (shot on HDV and Super 8)
Length: 87 Minutes.
Language: English, German and French with English subtitles
‚Sunny Land’ screenings:
2/16/10, 20.30 Uhr Arsenal
2/1710, 12:30 Uhr Cubix
2/20/10, 22 Uhr Cinemaxx
contact: spleen.presse@googlemail.com